Student Centered Holistic Orientation
of Learning
Project Overview
SCHOOL is a program pursuing the internationalization of education and research. Since 2009, in accordance with local education trends and relying on top universities and research institutes, MindXplorer has introduced international teachers into Beijing institutes to complete research and professional development programs for local educators. The subject matters of these programs range from research design, classroom practice, English language pedagogy, statistical analysis and other research materials, and curriculum evaluation.
MindXplorer seeks highly experienced professors who are experts in their fields to lead training workshops for local educators and administrators. The trainees include all levels of teachers, from kindergarten to college. We seek professional educators with expertise in the following fields:
VCR of " Treasured Memories in China"
VCR of " Knowledge & Laughters"
MindXplorer Education Association
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C. N. T:(+86) 400-840-0381